M-F: 10am – 5pm | Sat: 11am – 4pm | Sun: Closed

May 10, 2021

Library Board Meeting

Lone Cone Library District Board Meeting Minutes 

A regular meeting of the Lone Cone Library District Board was held on May 10, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., located at 1455 Pinion Street and also via Zoom. Said meeting was posted and included the link and password in accordance with the Sunshine Law. 

PRESENT: Rheanna Xavier, Emily Haight, Laurel Henderson, Sara Lopez, Carrie Andrew, Kim Schooley

GUESTS: Rhonda Oliver, Beverly Taylor


Board President Rheanna called the meeting to order at 6:49 p.m.


Carrie motioned to move the review of the Meeting Room Policy after the reading of the agenda.

A motion was made by Emily, seconded by Laurel, to approve the agenda as amended. All voted yes. Motion passed.


The Library Board considered the minutes of the April 12, 2021, regular Library Board meeting for approval. 

A motion was made by Rheanna, seconded by Emily, to approve the minutes from the April 12, 2021, regular Library Board meeting as presented. All voted yes. Motion passed.


No public comment was made at this time. 


Carrie noted that the library is getting busier and will bring in more staff to help so staffing costs will increase. There is not a line item in the budget for Marketing so all marketing costs will be allocated to Advertising. A new line item for Marketing will be added to the 2022 budget. The budget is on track for this time of year. 

A motion was made by Sara, seconded by Laurel, to approve the monthly budget as presented. All voted yes. Motion passed.


The Bilingual Family Event held April 30th was not well attended. After further discussion with SMRC it was decided to move the next event to either a Sunday or Monday. There was also discussion of different activities for bilingual events.

Program statistics in general have increased between the last four months of 2020 and the first four months of 2021.


Carrie shared the current results of the on-line survey however the survey will continue through the month of May. An email went directly to all community members in the library’s database asking them to complete the survey as well as direct mailers to be sent Tuesday/Wednesday of this week promoting the survey. Social media posts have been shared and a front page article will appear in the Norwood Post. Carrie is hoping for 400 responses by the end of May.


No reports were presented at this time. 


The new website is active, however there are a few issues that are still being worked out. The site can be translated to Spanish, among other languages. The survey is accessed through the new website.

A new Patron Welcome card was designed to send out with new library cards. It includes a QR code that takes the patron directly to the new website.

The current step in the communications plan includes a market research and brand audit of what is currently being shared with the community (flyers, brochures, invoices, etc.). This step should take about 4-6 weeks and cost $2500.

The VISTA hiring process is going well. The library offered the position to a promising candidate who seemed very interested in our community. If accepted, the candidate will start July 7th. Housing has already been secured.

Beverly shared the proposed changes to the Meeting Room Policy. Changes included a formatting changes/corrections, updating the contact at Town Hall for an alcohol license and removal of the stipulation that only six recurring events per organization can be held each year. Further discussion with the board was had regarding charging fees for rooms but not wanting to compete with other community rental space. Another possible consideration included requiring an application to waive the rental fee for nonprofits upon board approval (if applicable). The policy will be tabled and discussed again next month.


New Free Speech Zone Policy. Kim will double-check the location of the north pathway but otherwise a motion was made by Emily, seconded by Laurel, to approve the new Free Speech Zone Policy. All voted yes. Motion passed.

Social Media Policy. A motion was made by Sara, seconded by Emily, to approve the new Social Media Policy. All voted yes. Motion passed.

Consideration of removing DVD Fines. Carrie requested that the library remove the DVD fines. Most DVDs are donated to the library and as long as the patron returns the DVD, there is no reason to charge a fine. A motion was made by Rheanna, seconded by Sara, to approve removing DVD fines. All voted yes. Motion passed. The library will remove DVD fines from patron accounts that have already incurred.


A discussion was had as to the legality of using a personal cell phone for work purposes. It may be possible for cell phone data to be subpoenaed during an investigation and personal data will no longer be private. Kim will do more research on data plans and phones. Carrie will contact the library’s attorneys about using specific mobile apps for work on personal phones (When I Work and Slack).


At 8:27 p.m., a motion was made by Emily, seconded by Laurel, to adjourn the meeting with no further action taken. All voted yes. Motion passed.